DMD Annual Financial Audit
Annual Stakeholder Survey
In order to better gage the perspective and interests of downtown stakeholders, the DMD annually conducts an unscientific, online survey. The survey asks participants to answer 10 questions pertaining to the current state of the downtown, the future of downtown, and the performance of the DMD. The survey is made available during the month of July in both English and Spanish. The survey represents the opinions of downtown property owners, downtown businesses, downtown employers, downtown residents, visitors and members of the general public who voluntarily participated in the survey. The results of the survey are presented to the DMD Board of Directors and shared with the public.
2012 Survey Census Report
The Institute for Policy and Economic Development (IPED) at the University of Texas at El Paso was contracted by the El Paso Downtown Management District (DMD) and the City Development Department (CDD) of the City of El Paso, Texas to collect data and conduct survey research on issues related to downtown El Paso. Accordingly, this report provides a snapshot of the characteristics and opinions of business owners/managers within the Downtown Management District area. The survey and its findings are intended to guide the DMD and the CDD in their mission to improve public property, public facilities and promote economic development to enhance the quality of life of the overall community, particularly that of the downtown area. Subsequent sections of this report include a brief description of the research methodology followed by the downtown employers’ characteristics and the survey findings. The final section presents the appendices containing the survey instruments used along with frequency tables for each question.
2011 Survey Census Report
The Institute for Policy and Economic Development (IPED) at the University of Texas at El Paso was contracted by the El Paso Downtown Management District (DMD), Strategic Communication Consulting Group (SCCG), and the City of El Paso Economic Development Department (EPED) to conduct a survey on issues related to downtown El Paso. Accordingly, this report provides a snapshot of the attitudes and perceptions of business owners and employees within the Downtown Management District, as well as El Paso County households, regarding several issues associated with downtown El Paso. The survey and its findings are intended to guide the DMD and the City in their mission to improve public property, public facilities, promote economic development, and provide outstanding customer service to enhance the community overall, and the downtown area in particular.
Subsequent sections of this report comprise a brief description of the research methodology including survey instruments and sampling designs followed by respondent characteristics for each of the three sample groups investigated: 1) downtown employers, 2) downtown employees, and 3) El Paso County households. Detailed findings are then presented and organized by each of the sample groups followed by the analysis of a series of questions that explore and compare the attitudes and perceptions of each sample group to one another. The final section presents selected cross-tabulations between subgroups of employees and households.