Downtown El Paso is improving by the day and with each day comes new opportunity for small business investment.


Start Up Downtown is a new initiative of the Downtown Management District to reestablish Downtown El Paso as the City’s foremost location for investment, entrepreneurship and opportunity for all types, sizes and forms of business. The initiative brings together the resources and expertise of numerous economic development partners including the Downtown Management District, City of El Paso Economic Development DepartmentEl Paso County Economic Development Department, the El Paso Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, the Women’s Business Border Center, the Small Business Development Center Network, the Minority Business Development Agency, and others. These resources will be available to existing and potential downtown businesses and property owners.

3 Areas of Focus 

  1. Business Services

Utilizing many existing services the DMD already provides, we increase our outreach to existing businesses and property owners to help provide them with information and resources to operate in our ever-changing world and take advantage of the new opportunities emerging in our resurging downtown. Business Services includes grants, marketing, web/social media coaching, business development, and available property listings.

  1. Connections and Information

When determining where to locate your office or establish a business, information and understanding about the area is critical. Basic demographic information currently exists for properties and businesses within Downtown El Paso. We will supplement that content with information gained from additional research, surveys and on the street analysis. With the support of property owners, we’ll maintain a list of available properties. Lastly, we continue to expose El Pasoans to local businesses through our ongoing promotions and events.

  1.  Networking Events

The concept which started it all was the need for an event to connect entrepreneurs with the information, expertise and opportunity that exists in Downtown El Paso. The DMD will host events to bring together all aspects of business investment. Entrepreneurs will be invited to these FREE events to learn about downtown’s changing economy and hear from current downtown business owners. The overall goal of these networking events is to expose the public to opportunities downtown and to plant the seeds for future investment.

Start Up Downtown Champions In addition to the partnerships identified to support business investment, this initiative will be most successful with the support and embrace of our Start Up Downtown Champions. These are all of our existing businesses who recognize that we are stronger as a unified voice celebrating the opportunity of downtown investment and the welcoming of all investment. Business development, density, variety and even competition will allow Downtown El Paso to stand out within our community as an economic engine and a destination for all El Pasoans and visitors to our city.