DMD Staff

The staff of the Downtown Management District oversees a wide variety of projects, programs, and services that contribute to the overall vitality of the district. You will see us in the office and out in the community. Please don’t hesitate to visit or stop us on the street for insight into current Downtown progress.

The Offices of the El Paso Downtown Management are located at 201 E. Main, Suite 107, El Paso, TX 79901.  Our office telephone number is 915-400-2294. Office hours are typically 8am to 5pm, Monday through Friday.

Joe Gudenrath

Executive Director

[email protected]


Ivan Bernal

Marketing and Communications Manager

[email protected]


Terry Mais

Office and Project Coordinator

[email protected]


Richard Bustamante

Operations Manager

[email protected]


Brenda Sanchez

Special Event Coordinator

[email protected]


Daniel Palacios

Sanitation Crew Lead

Jason Saenz

Special Projects

Luis De La Cruz

Sanitation Crew Lead

Albert Mendoza

Sanitation Crew Lead

Ruby Mijares

Downtown Ambassador Team Lead

Salvador Martinez

Downtown Ambassador

Luisa Garibay

Downtown Ambassador