The Board of the El Paso Downtown Management District may establish committees for the purpose of providing special attention on specified projects, programs, services, and/or operations. Committee members are appointed by the Executive Committee and may include At-Large Members. Below is a list of DMD established Committees, their charters, and current membership.

Executive Committee: Responsibilities are to serve as a governance body for the organization; provide guidance and feedback to the Executive Director on day-to-day operational matters and on strategic goals of the organization. Members: Mark Osborn (President), Nadia Baem (Vice-President), Yolanda Giner (Secretary), Joanne Richardson (Treasurer), Arlene Carroll, Kelly Tomblin and Patrick Merrick.
Finance Committee: Responsibilities are to: prepare and recommend an annual budget for the organization;, expense review, check and balances, accounting/reporting oversight, provide investments reports as mandated by law, and recommend adoption of an investment policy annually. Members: Joanne Richardson (Treasurer), Peter Spier, and Kristi Daugherty.
Economic & Residential Development Committee: Reviews grant applications and develops project, program and services to support residential development and small business investment. Members: Pacelli Mesta (Chair), Daniela Caro, Michael Parra, Patrick Merrick, Guillermo Garcia, Daniela Quesada (City Architect), Mirella Tamayo (City/TRIZ), Providencia Velasquez (City/Historic), David Torres (City/Economic Development), Bill Helm (At-Large), Pedro Galicia (At-Large), Eric Pearson (At-Large) and Ricardo Fernandez (At-Large).
Marketing, Events & Messaging Committee: Oversee and provide input on the marketing, advertising, and promotional efforts of the organization. Members: Bill Burton (Chair), Eric Pearson, Brad Taylor, Jose Garcia, Michael Kelly (At-Large) and Gracie Viramontes (At-Large).
Infrastructure & Advocacy Committee: Monitors ongoing physical improvements within the downtown, oversees the DMD’s sanitation efforts, and identifies issues and positions where the DMD’s advocacy is needed. Members: Nadia Baem (Chair), Kristi Daugherty, Maxey Scherr, Edgar Lopez, Kathrin Berg, John Martin (At-Large), Jesse Arredondo (At-Large), Tim Mallardi (At-Large), Stephanie Nebhan (At-Large), Louis Edwards (At-Large) and Commander Tom Peña (At-Large).
Each committee meets monthly within the DMD offices at 201 E. Main Street, Suite 107, with the exception of the Marketing, Events and Messaging Committee 2024 Board & Committee Meeting Schedule for the complete meeting schedule.