In 1997, the El Paso Downtown Management District (DMD) was formed with the core function of supplementing municipal sanitation services and improving the cleanliness of Downtown El Paso. Today, the DMD supports numerous projects, programs and services, but Sanitation continues to be a major cornerstone of its efforts.
DMD Sanitation services include:
- Litter Pick-Up
- Address Illegal Dumping
- Trash Pick-Up (Public Trash Cans)
- Graffiti Removal
- Sidewalk Power-Washing
- Banner Installation and Removal and more
The DMD’s effectiveness and efficiency is due in large part to its relationship with local government. Through an Interlocal Agreement with the City of El Paso, the DMD has assumed a significant portion of the services typically provided by the City. This reduces the amount of overlap in service provision and establishes a level of responsibility the DMD is happy to hold.
The effectiveness and reach of the DMD Sanitation program would not be possible without its Community Service Operations Agreement with the El Paso County Supervision and Corrections Department. Through this agreement, DMD Supervisors manage crews of individuals performing court ordered community service. These low risk offenders, provide thousands of hours of manpower helping to protect the look and image of our downtown. This agreement saves the DMD approximately $400,000 annually in labor costs. (CLICK HERE for information on how to participate in the community service program)
DMD Sanitation Team
The DMD Sanitation Team is led by three full time Sanitation Team Leaders. Each Leader supervises a crew of clients and provides daily service throughout the district. Our current Team Leaders are Luis De La Cruz, Jr., Daniel Palacios and Albert Mendoza. Our crews are in the district seven days a week from 6am-2pm everyday, and from 2pm-10pm Wednesday through Sunday.