
The DMD Marketing Program is dedicated to showcasing the vitality of Downtown El Paso through a variety of messaging, to include but not limited to online content, via social media platforms, the Downtown INSIDER newsletter, our text message platform and Traditional deliverables include, banners, posters and multi-media advertising. Additionally, the DMD provides further opportunities to engage Downtown with contests, giveaways, and DMD generated events, such as the Downtown Barstool Open and the Downtown Fiesta de las Luces.

If you are a Downtown business owner, event coordinator, or a member of the public that just wants to keep up-to-date on Downtown activity you can friend or follow us on the following social media accounts: FACEBOOK, INSTAGRAM, and TWITTER.

If you represent a Downtown business or organization, feel free to TAG, and or message us your promotions and activity.

Our Downtown INSIDER Newsletter is also a great resource for weekly updates on Downtown events and business activity. Sign up at the bottom of this page!

Take advantage of our text message platform to promote your business or event happening in Downtown El Paso! For just $25, you can sign up and use the platform as many times as you wish, with a charge of 25 cents per text sent out. With over 2,500 contacts eager to hear about what’s happening Downtown, your message will make an impact!

We recommend you submit your EVENT to us if you are planning a Downtown event, but if you’re just looking purely for recreational reasons, visit our EVENTS Calendar!

For more inquiries, e-mail [email protected]

There are also opportunities to promote your events and sponsor our events! These Promotional Programs can target people geographically that are already Downtown through streetlight pole banners, in addition to Wayfinding and Kiosk poster placements. Limitations may apply.

If you do not see your business in our DIRECTORY, please let us know or submit your listing HERE.

For more inquiries, e-mail [email protected]