EL PASO, TX (August 31, 2022) –The Downtown Management District (DMD) Board of Directors approved two Downtown Improvement Grants at the August 25th Board meeting for the 100-year-old Gardner Hotel.
The Gardner Hotel, located at 500 N. Stanton St., is owned by Joseph M. Nebham. The estimated total project cost is $43,313 with a $25,000 reimbursement for planned façade improvements to replace and install a total of 34 exterior windows on the second and third floors of the property. A Signature Signage and Lighting Grant was also approved for the same property and applicant, with a reimbursement award of $12,665.20 with a total project cost of $27,141.11. Planned improvements to include but not limited to the complete refurbishment of the “Hotel Gardner,” blade sign with the complete repair of all neon components, along with neon signage on the main entry awning.
The DMD manages four improvement grant programs in total. The Downtown Commercial Façade Improvement Grant Program and the Downtown Signature Signage and Lighting programs are funded by the DMD and the City of El Paso/TIRZ No. 5. The DMD’s Downtown Pedestrian Corridor Improvement Grant Program and Downtown Mural Grant Program are funded solely by the DMD. Maximum grants are $10,000 or $25,000 depending on the specific program, and all grants require a match from the applicant.
Grant applications are considered on a first come, first served basis while funding is available. Property/business owners interested in applying for funding can visit DowntownElPaso.com or call Terry Mais, 915-400-2295 for more information.
For additional images or project renderings, please contact us at [email protected].
About the DMD Grant Programs
The Commercial Façade Improvement Grant provides matching funds to existing businesses and/or property owners to make improvements to the exterior of buildings in the boundaries of the El Paso DMD, and/or the Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone No. 5 (TIRZ). The program is managed by the DMD with funding from the DMD and TIRZ. Applications are considered on a first-come, first-serve basis while funding is available. Applicants can apply for up to $25,000 in reimbursement funding.
The Downtown Signature Signage & Lighting Grant Program provides funding to existing businesses and/or property owners within the DMD/TIRZ boundaries for the establishment and/or restoration of signature signage and/or lighting installations. The maximum grant available is $25,000. This grant, when awarded, can provide one grant dollar for every eligible matching dollar invested (1:1 ratio).
The Downtown Pedestrian Corridor Improvement Grant Program provides funding to existing businesses and/or property owners within the DMD boundaries for improvements to the exterior spaces adjacent to or within the public right-of-way. The maximum grant available is $10,000 and each grant dollar must be matched by a private investment dollar (1:1 ratio).
The Downtown Mural Grant Program provides funding to existing business and/or property owners to establish or restore murals within the DMD boundaries. The maximum grant available is $10,000 and each grant dollar must be matched by a private investment dollar (1:1 ratio).