Petition for Boundary Expansion – Public Hearing October 22, 2020

The Board of Directors of the El Paso Downtown Management District (the “Board”) have called a public  hearing to be held on October 22, 2020 at 12:00 p.m. (noon), Mountain Time, to consider a petition submitted by Downtown El Paso property owners who have asked that their properties be added to the territorial area of the El Paso Downtown Management District (the “District”).   Due to the coronavirus pandemic and emergency orders issued by the Texas Governor, the hearing will take place remotely, with the Board members attending either online (by Zoom, with video and audio) or by telephone.   The hearing is open to the public.   Members of the public may attend the hearing using the Zoom information below (online video meeting) or by calling any of the phone numbers listed in this notice.   The purpose of the hearing is for the Board to hear and consider the petition.   The Board will accept testimony and evidence at the hearing on the sufficiency of the petition and whether the addition of land is feasible and practicable, and whether the addition of land would benefit the existing District territory.  The Board may further vote at the hearing to add to the District the land described in the petition if it is feasible, practicable, and to the advantage of the District and if the District’s operations are sufficient to take on the added land without injuring land already in the District.

If you want to speak or present evidence in support of or against the petition, or raise any issue to be discussed or addressed at the hearing, please contact Joe Gudenrath at Tel: 915.400.2294 Extension 101 or email: [email protected].    You can also submit a letter or evidence in writing in advance of the hearing or you may sign up to speak at the hearing itself.   If you want to submit written testimony or evidence, you may mail it to Joe Gudenrath at 201 E. Main Street, Suite 107, El Paso, Texas 79901, or email it to [email protected].

Downtown Management District Public Hearing

Date: Thursday, October 22, 2020 – 12:00 p.m. (Mountain Time)

Join Zoom Meeting –

Meeting ID: 876 8331 4605

Dial In: +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)

Meeting ID: 876 8331 4605

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