With support from an Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Brownfields Assessment Grant, the El Paso Downtown Management District (DMD) conduct an Area Wide Planning (AWP) effort for an area of Downtown beginning in March 2021 and finalized by approval of the DMD Board of Directors on March 24, 2022. The planning area was identified because of existing challenges and opportunities for development and redevelopment. Our goal is to support economic prosperity and environmental restoration in our community by addressing unknown site conditions and removing redevelopment barriers.
The objectives of this effort include:
- Create a Brownfield Inventory & Existing Conditions Analysis
- Perform a Market Assessment
- Provide redevelopment recommendations and strategies to include renderings, diagrams, and exhibits for catalyst sites
- Develop an implementation matrix and catalyst site profiles
- Solicit community and stakeholder feedback.
Central Downtown El Paso Area-Wide Planning & Revitalization Strategies
On March 24, 2022, the Downtown Management District Board of Directors adopted the Central Downtown El Paso Area-wide Planning & Revitalization Strategies plan. Below you will find the plan along with its appendices.
- Central Downtown El Paso Area-wide Planning & Revitalization Strategies
- Appendix B – Inventory
- Appendix C – Market Assessment
- Appendix D – Public Engagement Summary
With a final plan in hand, we look forward to engaging the community in the implementation of the plan and the redevelopment of this important part of our Downtown community. For more information about our Brownfields Program, please visit https://downtownelpaso.com/brownfields/ and visit www.downtownelpaso.com for additional information about all of the Downtown Management District’s projects, programs and services.