General Information
The DMD Board offers the public an opportunity to bring topics and issues to the Board’s attention. Each regular meeting, the Board reserves 30 minutes for public concerns.
Call to the Public (General Public Comment on Items NOT on the Board Meeting Agenda)
The DMD Board offers the public an opportunity to bring topics and issues to the Board’s attention. It is called the “Call to the Public”. Each regular meeting, the Board reserves 30 minutes at the end of the meeting for public concerns. Individuals who would like to address the Board must sign up on the available form prior to the start of the meeting or submit the form electronically to the DMD Executive Director at [email protected] at least one hour prior to the start of the meeting.
Each participant will be limited to three minutes to make comments. Any group of five or more persons must appoint one person to present the group’s views to the Board and will be limited to three minutes to make comments. Personal attacks, name-calling, and rude or slanderous remarks will not be tolerated.
The Call to the Public is reserved for items generated by the public. It is not for items already posted on the Board Meeting Agenda. If a person wishes to sign up to speak on items that ARE posted on the Board Meeting Agenda, they must indicate the item(s) they wish to address on the form provided prior to the start of the meeting.
Items on the Regular/Consent Agenda
The DMD Board encourages members of the public to address items on the Regular/Consent Agenda posted for discussion and action. On the day of the meeting, persons wishing to speak may sign up in the meeting room on the designated form. The DMD will also accept emailed requests submitted to the DMD Executive Director at [email protected] at least one hour prior to the start of the meeting. Speakers will be limited to 3 minutes each and must comply with general rules of decorum. Personal attacks, name-calling, and rude or slanderous remarks will not be tolerated.
Please call the DMD Office at 915-400-2294 for assistance in participating in DMD Board Meetings.